Lewis wins the Coach of the Year Award at the Wiltshire Tennis County Awards Night on Wednesday 4th December 2019.
Lewis gained 2 of the 5 medals for Great Britain at the World Deaf Tennis Championships.
Lewis and Catherine of Tennis Xperience UK will be running their Not Just Tennis Camps in the Easter and Summer holidays for 2020 – click for dates…
Congratulations to the 11 Ramsbury Club players who have been selected for the Wiltshire County Squad to play in their respective age group.
Congratulations to Lewis Fletcher for winning the Player of the Year Award at the Wiltshire LTA Awards night on Tuesday 4th December held at Marlborough Golf Club.
Lewis Fletcher and Esah Hayat have won the silver medal in the Dresse Cup, the men’s competition at the World Deaf Tennis Team Championships.
Lewis and Catherine of Tennis Xperience UK will be running their Not Just Tennis Camps in the Easter and Summer holidays for 2019 – click for dates…